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We are a community of Christians who are united in our love for Jesus and our resolve to fight for the trafficked, exploited and enslaved in Wales and beyond. We raise awareness about modern slavery and provide practical care to those who have been affected by it. Everything we do is grounded in the gospel and soaked in prayer.
If you would like to be a part of the fight against modern slavery in Wales there are several practical ways you can get involved...
Join us as we pray for the trafficked, exploited and enslaved each month throughout 2025. We try to meet on Zoom on the first Monday of the month.

Embrace is a project created out of Red Community to practically care for survivors of human trafficking through financial sponsorship and befriending. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus and begin to restore value and dignity to those that have had it stolen from them.

Our annual conference, Arise, is a great opportunity to connect with other abolitionists and learn from expert practitioners from the frontline of the battle against modern slavery. This year’s Arise Conference will be on Saturday 26th October. Find out more here.

Red Alert is a fresh, engaging and impacting multi-media resource for schools, universities, youth groups and faith communities that helps to create awareness about the issue of modern slavery.

Get connected and join the resistance.
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Consider donating money that will play a crucial part in combating modern slavery in Wales.
Please visit our Just Giving page