Embrace is a project created out of Red Community to practically care for survivors of human trafficking through financial sponsorship and befriending. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus and begin to restore value and dignity to those that have had it stolen from them.
Please soak this project in prayer. Pray for befrienders, for survivors, for churches, for finances, for relationships with referring agencies, for favour from partnering professionals, and pray against any spiritual opposition and hindrances. We commit this project and its results to the Father. He cares for his people much more than even we do!
We are able to financially support survivors from a pot of money that individuals have donated into. If you would like to be a part of fighting against the effects of human trafficking, consider donating money that will be used for clothing, counselling, training programmes, and other life necessities.
Befriending is one of the most exciting components of Embrace. We pair trained befrienders with survivors of human trafficking and release them to experience a meaningful friendship through coffees, walks, dinners, and other community events.
If this is something that interests you then please read on.
Want to become a befriender?
Passionate about loving people.
Committed to and actively involved in a local church.
Previous experience working with vulnerable people.
Good listener. Compassionate. Reliable. Non-judgmental. Reliable. Takes initiative. Calm.
Meeting up 1-2 times per week with a survivor of human trafficking.
Attending a mandatory training day before engaging in a befriending relationship.
Minimum 12 Month friendship with your befriendee.
Feedback phone calls with Embrace coordinator.
Attending quarterly volunteer training days.
We have a waiting list of individuals that would like to have befrienders. If you are interested in becoming a befriender, please contact our Embrace co-ordinator, Lauren, for more information.
Consider donating money that will be playing a crucial part in waging war against human trafficking.
Please visit our Just Giving page