Introducing Embrace
One of our values at Red Community is to move beyond merely talking about human trafficking and to be actively, practically engaged in both opposing injustice and caring for survivors of trafficking and modern slavery in Wales. This is because: (a) 'the love of Christ compels us' (2 Corinthians 5 v 14); and (b) 'Faith without deeds is dead' (James 2 v 26).
However, we have not wanted to charge in and replicate what others are already doing - there is no point reinventing the wheel. Rather, we have been waiting on God to open the right doors for us, which is why it is with great faith and huge joy that we would like to introduce unquestionably the most exciting project that we have been involved in to date - EMBRACE!
In conjunction with partners in the Council, BAWSO and New Pathways, Embrace will enable local churches to actively and meaningfully provide practical care and support to survivors of trafficking and slavery in Cardiff in the three following ways:
1. SPONSORSHIP: Financial care for survivors in the form of small living allowances and provision of grants for various practical needs e.g. clothes, toiletries, bedding, training courses and legal fees.
2. BEFRIENDING: Getting alongside survivors who are seeking to get their lives back on track and offering genuine friendship, loving care and practical support in the community.
3. HOSTING: Providing short, medium and long term residential care for survivors with appropriately trained and equipped families and individuals.
As you can imagine, we are really excited about this project! We are also incredibly grateful to delegates of Word Alive whose incredible generosity at this year's event has allowed us to employ an Embrace Project Coordinator, Lauren, who is doing a fantastic job of driving the project forward.
We will be updating the website in the new year, posting in more detail about the different elements of Embrace and sharing information about how to get involved and how to give financially.