Join the Brave Bear

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Hey guys just a quick post to draw your attention to an exciting new initiative that we would love for you to get behind. Our former Impact Worker, Heather, has launched out on a new adventure that is all about raising awareness and keeping children safe from slavery and exploitation.

The Brave Bear Trust has been formed to “engage, educate, empower & equip Children aged 8-10 with our ‘Brave’ book & resources”. Heather has written a cracking little book called Brave: a Story of Freedom & Friendship that helps to introduce children to the issues in an accessible and age appropriate way.

The Brave Bear Trust are currently trying to raise £2,000 in order to put the Brave book in as many young hands as possible. To that end they have set up a crowdfunding page to help make that happen. If you are in a position to help them out financially why not head over there and make a donation. There are some lovely incentives from Tony’s Chocolate and Blue Bear Coffee to entice you too!

All the best, Brave, we are rooting for you!

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