Letter from Lauren

Letter from Lauren…


The time we are living on are unprecedented. I personally am confused for how exactly to respond on a personal and communal level – as I believe most are. We at Embrace are sifting through and trying to figure out how to love people best during this lock down and wanted to make those interested aware of our thinking. 

Obviously, our befrienders are unable to see their Embrace friends during this time. But we are encouraging them to stay in touch weekly through text and phone. While it isn’t ideal, there really isn’t much of an option at this point. Hope and love and empathy can still be offered. Having someone on the other end of the line can bring light, and we are hoping for exactly that – light in the middle of darkness. 

We are still responding to financial requests from support workers and befrienders. And we are completely appreciative for those that continue to donate to Red Community to make this possible. Your generosity is providing for clothing, technology to access online courses and school homework, household necessities, and much more. 

This post is by no means a lengthy essay. Only to say… We have joined the masses in attempting to sort out best practice in the midst of chaos. And we appreciate those that have supported Embrace with love, prayer, time, and finances. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch. 



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