Gifts for survivors of modern day slavery in Wales


One of our good friends at BAWSO has just launched a project to raise funds in order to pay for gifts for survivors of modern day slavery here in Wales. Here is the vision behind the project:

Modern day slavery is the severe exploitation of other people for personal or financial gain. Modern day slavery is all around us, but often just out of sight. People can become entrapped making our clothes, washing our cars, picking our crops, working in factories, or working in houses as cooks, cleaners or in enforced prostitution. Many are bonded by perceived debts, violence, rape and threats.

In Wales, BAWSO currently support 120 individuals with a live 'Reasonable Grounds' claim for Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery. Isn't that an insanely sad statistic? 

As part of our Diogel project we would like to gift each survivor with a gift towards their wellbeing at this difficult time. This would equate to around £7-£8 per person to spend on sport equipment, craft, gardening materials etc.

Many of our survivors have no family support and may have been moved to Wales for safety so do not have a large social support network. Due to Covid-19 english classes, sports groups, college courses, volunteering opportunities and therapeutic groups have near all shut -these are a lifeline to survivors and many are now facing increased amount of time at home, isolated and with extra amounts of time to remember and relive traumatic experiences. 

Could you help give a gift to a survivor towards their wellbeing? Activities to do at home during this time.


For more info on  how we support survivors visit:

Artwork used with permission from previous BAWSO client supported by the Diogel project.

If you think you could contribute to the project, or help to spread the word please visit the crowdfunder page.

Dai HankeyComment