Red Treks

Last Friday was a good day!

Myself (Dai) and one of the other Red trustees (Dave) have been troubled that, while the Embrace befriending project has been an amazing success among female survivors in South Wales, there has not been the same uptake by male survivors. We have scratched our heads and prayed about this for quite some time until Dave had a great idea – rather than one-to-one befriending why don’t we set up a walking group for men?

We ran this by the partner agency that we work with and they loved the idea. So Red Treks was born, and we had our first outing on Friday taking a group of men up to Castell Coch for a walk in the woods and a picnic. It was such an amazing time of fun and laughter and exploring and enjoying freedom with these guys who, from what we understand, LOVED it too!

We will now be running Red Treks on a regular basis.

Can’t wait for the next one…

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