Run for Red


This is a revised and updated repost of a blog we posted in 2019.

Dear friends, I hope this blog post finds you well. This is a short message to ask a big favour.

It is so exciting to see how the ministry of Red Community has grown in both breadth and impact over recent years as we have sought to faithfully fight for the trafficked, exploited and enslaved in Wales. Incredibly, through our Embrace project we have been able to care for hundreds of survivors of modern slavery in South Wales through the provision of friendship and financial support. Furthermore, we have ambitions to see an Embrace project set up in North Wales too. However, as you can imagine there is a cost attached to being able to deliver projects like this. It costs around £15,000 per region per year to run Embrace, which is where you come in:

Would you be willing to RUN FOR RED?

People are increasingly asking if they can run / ride in various sporting events in order to raise financial support for Red Community. We are DELIGHTED by this and gladly embrace ANY such gesture of solidarity and support. 

We are blessed with a whole host of wonderful sporting events across this great land of ours, but here are few stand out ones:

If you would be willing to run one of these races (or any other event) for Red, either as an individual or as a team, please let us know so that can get behind you! If you are willing to RUN FOR RED we will gladly provide you with a RED competitor T-shirt (as well as a shed-load of prayer and encouragement!) You can set up a fund-raising event boy using our Just Giving here. If you need any help / advice in how to set up please drop us an email to

Big love and God bless!


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