Embrace Friendship


One of the most impactful ministries to come out of Red Community is the Embrace project. Tens of thousands of pounds have been given to support survivors through the Embrace sponsorship programme. Furthermore dozens of survivors have been blessed with the precious gift of friendship through the Embrace Befriending project.

As a result of COVID 19 recruiting, training and matching befrienders with survivors proved to be really challenging this last year. However, as restrictions are now starting to lift we are once again looking at getting the befriending project up and running again. Sadly (and unsurprisingly) the last 12 months has been a particularly challenging time for survivors who have been locked down with minimal access to crucial support services and isolated from friends. Therefore, Embrace befrienders are going to be able to play a really part in helping to care for them.

Unfortunately, however, we have more survivors needing friendship than we do befrienders to match them with. So the aim of this blog post is to ask:


If you are a Christian living in the South Wales area and would be willing to invest a few hours each week to befriending a survivor of modern slavery we would LOVE to hear from you. We provide training and ongoing support to all of our befrienders.

If you are interested please email lauren@redcommunity.co.uk.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

- Proverbs 17:17

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